Since its launch on 24th July 2020, Broken Oars Podcast has grown into the world’s best podcast about rowing, rowers and all things related to the art, practice and magic of moving a boat backwards down a river using an oar. Episode by episode, your genial hosts Dr. Lewin Hynes (the Southern One) and Dr. Aaron Jackson (the Northern One) have been joined for in-depth and revealing conversations with Olympic and world champions, elite coaches, world-leading sports scientists, journalists and commentators, and rowers from all backgrounds and walks of life - creating a treasure trove of insight, information, commentary and perspectives on the greatest sport ever invented. Enjoyed this episode? Buy us a coffee, download a training plan, and support us so we can carry on making Broken Oars Podcast, the best rowing podcast in the world. https://www.buymeacoffee.com/brokenoarsd. Thank You! Follow us on Twitter: www.twitter.com/brokenoarspodc1 Follow us on Instagram: www.instagram.com/thelandingstage/ www.instagram.com/brokenoarsindoors/ Read more Broken Oars: www.thelandingstage.net

Friday Aug 09, 2024
Broken Oars University: The Talent Episode. Now with Added Widgets ...
Friday Aug 09, 2024
Friday Aug 09, 2024
To purchase a copy of 'Water's Gleaming Gold' with an exclusive Broken Oars Listener discount, please go to https://www.troubador.co.uk/bookshop/biography/waters-gleaming-gold-hb and quote " BROKENOARS " at the checkout page.
This discount code will allow you to buy the book at a 15% discount - and enjoy one of the great rowing stories!
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Buy us a coffee, download a training plan, and support us so we can carry on making Broken Oars Podcast, the best rowing podcast in the world.
Thank You!
We return as swallows to the eaves of your ears to build our muddy nests in your auditory canal, right next to your tympanic membrane with another episode of what most rowers call ..
Who are they?
The swallow metaphor works, so we're keeping it, based as it is on the similarities between birds of the family Hirundinidae returning as spring does and us getting a podcast out on a bi-weekly schedule.
In this episode, we launch the Broken Oars Podcast Widget - an interactive device which, if you input your training data, will help you to track your effort and predict your likely power outputs for a given time, distance or session. Designed by the Southern One, who knows science, it's an accurate training tool for those who like their darta - which is pretty much every rower and coach out there.
The Broken Oars Podcast Widget is part of our latest drive to add value to your support of Broken Oars Podcast, coming as it does hot on the heels of the Broken Oars Training Plans.
We love that you listen to our podcast (our podcast is your podcast. You row, we row, we all row together); and we really appreciate that you've responded to our asking for the odd donation to help cover our running costs. We aren't Wikipedia - we're more accurate than that - and we don't make any money from Broken Oars - and your help and support helps us keep it going. We just thought that we'd give you something alongside the podcast in return for your support, and we have a chat about how to use your new widget.
This led us onto a brief discussion of Broken Oars Podcast - a section that might be labelled the 'whither Broken Oars Podcast' bit. The Northern One and the Southern One started this for something to do during lockdown, and it's become a bit of a going concern. We've got to meet some of our heroes and heroines, been inspired, learned an awful lot, pissed off bikey twitter, and love that talking about something we love has brought us in contact with people who love it too.
And then we get on to a discussion of what 'talent' actually is.
This was sparked by a recent debate on Twitter about what talent might be; what meaning the cultural freighting of the word has given it; and how we interpret it in different contexts.
The Northern One and the Southern One thought that we should definitely end our friendship over this chestnut, given one of us is a Humanities Grad and the other a Science Grad. So, we get into it. The Northern One talks about internalised learning, cultural meanings and baggage, opportunity and pathways; and the Southern One talks about genetics and genes and predispositions and variation ...
... and we come to the surprising conclusion that what appeared diametrically opposed positions actually share a lot of overlap, and that the discussion of talent often means different things to different people and groups, but what it actually manifests as is as something that we recognise when we see it in others, and which inspires us in ourselves.
Get some!
Stern four. Look at bow pair. That's talent!
Enjoyed this episode?
Buy us a coffee, download a training plan, and support us so we can carry on making Broken Oars Podcast, the best rowing podcast in the world: www.buymeacoffee.com/brokenoarsd
Twitter: www.twitter.com/brokenoarspodc1
Instagram: www.instagram.com/brokenoarsindoors/
Website: www.thelandingstage.net

Friday Aug 09, 2024
Friday Aug 09, 2024
To purchase a copy of 'Water's Gleaming Gold' with an exclusive Broken Oars Listener discount, please go to https://www.troubador.co.uk/bookshop/biography/waters-gleaming-gold-hb and quote " BROKENOARS " at the checkout page.
This discount code will allow you to buy the book at a 15% discount - and enjoy one of the great rowing stories!
Welcome back, dear listeners, to the world's greatest podcast about the art, practice and lifestyle that is pushing a boat backwards down a river.
Today, author Gavin Jamieson joins your genial hosts of the Northern One and the Southern One to talk about his fantastic new book 'Water's Gleaming Gold' - a biography and celebration of the life of Hugh 'Jumbo' Edwards.
This is not just one of rowing's great untold stories - Jumbo was a Boat Race winner, Henley winner, Olympic champion and one of the great rowing thinkers and coaches through one of the golden ages of British Rowing - but a story of a rich and full life rich and fully lived.
We explore the reasons that led Gavin to research and tell Jumbo's story and the world and lives he uncovered on that journey and brought into the light. We talk about British rowing in the 1920's and 1930's, back when it was one of the sports the nation stopped for; look at the challenges Jumbo faced; and talk about how he not only met and overcame them, but rose to become the greatest British oarsman of his generation, and with it, the world's greatest.
It's a fantastic chat with a fantastic guest about a fantastic chapter in rowing history.
All eight? Listen to it, and then go and buy the book. We've managed to wangle you a discount!
Enjoyed this episode?
Buy us a coffee, download a training plan, and support us so we can carry on making Broken Oars Podcast, the best rowing podcast in the world: www.buymeacoffee.com/brokenoarsd
Twitter: www.twitter.com/brokenoarspodc1
Instagram: www.instagram.com/brokenoarsindoors/
Website: www.thelandingstage.net

Friday Aug 09, 2024
Friday Aug 09, 2024
To purchase a copy of 'Water's Gleaming Gold' with an exclusive Broken Oars Listener discount, please go to https://www.troubador.co.uk/bookshop/biography/waters-gleaming-gold-hb and quote " BROKENOARS " at the checkout page.
This discount code will allow you to buy the book at a 15% discount - and enjoy one of the great rowing stories!
We are joined on Broken Oars Podcast by Xeno Muller.
Olympic Single Sculls Champion at Atlanta in 1996 in one of the all-time great Olympic finals and finishes, Xeno was also an Olympic Silver Medallist in 2000 and a multiple medallist at rowing's world championships in the single sculls discipline.
Xeno has gone on to be one of the world's most successful high-performance coaches, working on a one-to-one basis with individual rowers to help them fulfil their goals and ambitions through his www.elite-rowing-coach.com platform.
In this fascinating and inspiring conversation, Xeno touches on the ways that modern coaching can coach the passion and joy out of rowers, qualities which he sees, rightly, as being intrinsic to life and going fast.
Talking about keeping the passion and joy by staying curious and being open to learning, Xeno identifies the value of simplicity, of everything in rowing and life flowing from getting the fundamentals right; the vital importance of breathing; how what your bows are doing tell you what you are doing; and why Mahon, Spracklen et al had it right in the first place.
And why you should use the mirror in your erg room - every single stroke.
This is one of the most important and inspiring conversations we've ever had with one of the true originals, deep-thinkers and passionately engaged people we've ever met - in or out of rowing.
Bow Four? This is one to take notes from.
Get some!
Enjoyed this episode?
Buy us a coffee, download a training plan, and support us so we can carry on making Broken Oars Podcast, the best rowing podcast in the world: www.buymeacoffee.com/brokenoarsd
Twitter: www.twitter.com/brokenoarspodc1
Instagram: www.instagram.com/brokenoarsindoors/
Website: www.thelandingstage.net

Friday Aug 09, 2024
Episode 62: Alfred Campenaerts, Salty Lemon, EXR and the future of training
Friday Aug 09, 2024
Friday Aug 09, 2024
To purchase a copy of 'Water's Gleaming Gold' with an exclusive Broken Oars Listener discount, please go to https://www.troubador.co.uk/bookshop/biography/waters-gleaming-gold-hb and quote " BROKENOARS " at the checkout page.
This discount code will allow you to buy the book at a 15% discount - and enjoy one of the great rowing stories!
Welcome back to Broken Oars podcast - the world's leading rowing podcast and self-publicists.
Today we're joined by Alfred Campenaerts, CEO of Salty Lemon Entertainment, creators of the EXR rowing app.
For those who don't know, EXR is the world's leading multi-platform rowing and training virtual arena - a place where you can, on any rowing machine, choose to row down the Henley Reach, take on the Head of the Charles course, or sprint across Lake Bled - whether by yourself, with your crewmates or against others in the virtual world.
We've tried it, and we're both converts. It's an intuitive, encompassing experience supported by training logs and programmes that's are easy to use, fun and immersive.
Alfred takes us through the genesis and evolution of EXR and explains the rationale behind EXR - wanting to make people row more together. Being Broken Oars we ask why Belgium - a flat country with lots of rivers tends to produce cyclists rather than rowers (culture, apparently ... ), before deep diving into why EXR is the leading app for rowers, indoor rowers and gym-goers who want to expand their training experience, get fit and have fun doing it.
Being tech nerds (well, the Southern One is. He's designed a widget, you know ... ) we talk about the difficulties of synching up the power output measurements of the world's varied rowing machines to the virtual representations of your stroke (power meters, PM5's, cables and bluetooth interruptions ... ), and look at where EXR might go next given it's an app that appears designed for clubs and crews who want to train on the water they'll be competing on - whether that's Head of the River, Henley or the latest Olympic or World Championships course.
This leads us into a chat about things as varied as real time stroke rate readouts for boats you compete against in EXR, special Henley Week maps, the ability to compete in real time against boats on the Henley reach as the events unfold, crew races, seat racing matrices ... and the elephant in the room: making sure that cheats can't 'game the game' by dropping their weight to take advantage of weight-adjusted split outputs.
And oh yeah, we've said the best to last:
With Christmas coming, and land training ramping up even as we start thinking about New Year Resolutions we've wangled a discount for anyone wanting to give the app a spin. Trust us, it's as easy as logging in and sitting on your rowing machine. So give it a go, go to EXR and use the code BROKENOARS for 10% off your subscription.
Full crew, from backstops. Get some!
Enjoyed this episode?
Buy us a coffee, download a training plan, and support us so we can carry on making Broken Oars Podcast, the best rowing podcast in the world: www.buymeacoffee.com/brokenoarsd
Twitter: www.twitter.com/brokenoarspodc1
Instagram: www.instagram.com/brokenoarsindoors/
Website: www.thelandingstage.net

Friday Aug 09, 2024
Episode 63: The 2023 Christmas Special! Part Two!
Friday Aug 09, 2024
Friday Aug 09, 2024
To purchase a copy of 'Water's Gleaming Gold' with an exclusive Broken Oars Listener discount, please go to https://www.troubador.co.uk/bookshop/biography/waters-gleaming-gold-hb and quote " BROKENOARS " at the checkout page.
This discount code will allow you to buy the book at a 15% discount - and enjoy one of the great rowing stories!
You didn't ask for it, so here it is ... The Broken Oars Podcast Christmas Special - Part Two!
Where's Part One, we hear you ask?
Well, it's on its way. But in the meantime, come join as we do Christmassy stuff!
That's right, Broken Oars Podcast discusses all things Christmas, including:
Title Nine, Trans, grown men breaking girls knees playing football, 'fessing up to our rare mistakes when it comes to who won what and where, and then going on to the year in review: who won what and where ... ? Why? Why watching Drew Ginn and Duncan do a practice 2k piece was so magical it caused one of us to retire from rowing; the brilliance of the Men's Four Final in 2012 (again), and our favourite race of the year - hint, they happened at Henley - reliving Clare's Court vs. Redwood Scullers; our favourite guest (you're all our favouite guests, btw); the winner of the inaugural James Widmer award for the podcast most likely to make you fall asleep on a motorway (Step forward, James Widmer); the healthy state of club representation in the UK; guests we'd like to talk to next year and our usual ... whither rowing ... ? convo.
Christmas, innit!
Enjoyed this episode?
Buy us a coffee, download a training plan, and support us so we can carry on making Broken Oars Podcast, the best rowing podcast in the world: www.buymeacoffee.com/brokenoarsd
Twitter: www.twitter.com/brokenoarspodc1
Instagram: www.instagram.com/brokenoarsindoors/
Website: www.thelandingstage.net

Friday Aug 09, 2024
: Broken Oars Reads: The Night Before Christmas - For Rowers
Friday Aug 09, 2024
Friday Aug 09, 2024
At this time of year, when the summer regattas seem a long time away, the days short, the nights cold and the miles long, it's always good to remember the wise words of St. Hodge.
And so with this in mind, the Northern One reads The Night Before Christmas (for Rowers) - live from Kings (shortly before the carol singers arrived and had him arrested).

Friday Aug 09, 2024
Friday Aug 09, 2024
We're back once again, the renegade masters ...
Southern One: You've done that one.
Here we are, the world's greatest rowing podcast, returning once again ...
Southern One: You've done that one too.
Northern One: You do realise that I write all the blurbs?
Southern One: I do. And a fine job you make of it too.
Northern One: And you do realise that we're over one hundred episodes deep now.
Southern One: I do. And that's why we're the world's greatest rowing podcast. Including Martin Cross.
Northern One: And you do know that people tune into us because they expect a certain level of insight, wit, humour ... dare I say diablerie.
Southern One: You can say it, but I bet you can't spell it.
Northern One: I can say it and spell it. Which is why I do the blurbs. Big words and schtick. And amazing guests. The very best guests in the world. Bar none.
Southern One: Like this one.
Northern One: Yeah. Another world-class guest. On Broken Oars. How do we get them?
Southern One: Because we're a place of insight, intelligence, keen lines of questioning, wit, humour and a certain lightness of touch ...
Northern One: Or they don't listen to us first, don't look us up and by the time the red light's on it's too late for them to get out of it?
Southern One: Well, there is that.
Northern One: And you do know that repetition is the hallmark of good prose; key to a marketing strategy; and also good comedy ...
Southern One: I find you hilarious ...
Northern One: Why, thank you ...
And so we're back, once again, the world's greatest rowing podcast, and we're back for 2024 with a world-class guest. There've been so many of them that you kind of take it for granted now, don't you? Well, you shouldn't. We might have outdone ourselves this time.
Because we're talking to Professor Andy Jones.
For those who don't know, well, you should.
Andrew M Jones is Professor of Applied Physiology in the Department of Sport and Health Sciences. Andy is internationally recognized for his research in the following areas: 1) control of, and limitations to, skeletal muscle oxidative metabolism; 2) causes of exercise intolerance in health and disease; 3) respiratory physiology, particularly the kinetics of pulmonary gas exchange and ventilation during and following exercise; and 4) sports performance physiology and nutrition, particularly in relation to endurance athletics.
And if that sounds like we've pulled it of Exeter's website, well, we have - but you should know this stuff because if you're into sport, and you're into training properly, and you're still alive and you've been and done any of those things in the last two decades ... the way you train, the way you race and what you do?
That's down to Andy's work.
Southern One: Just tell them that we've got the beetroot guy ...
Northern One: I'm getting to that ...
In other words, we've got the beetroot guy. Andy's work on how dietary nitrate reduces resting blood pressure (eating beetroot), and therefore impacting positively on cardiovascular health and performance is not just robust, but world-leading. He's the man, basically, who actually found a superfood that worked.
And boy does it work - but tied to what is world-leading (the REF results say so, as do the performance metrics and outcomes in the real world) research is also Andy's long history working in muscle energetics, fatigue and respiratory physiology with some of the world's leading athletes and high performance programmes.
And we've got him.
So join us for the only conversation you'll ever need about training and nutrition and recovery with the only person you'll ever need to hear talking about it!
Get some!
Enjoyed this episode?
To purchase a copy of 'Water's Gleaming Gold' with an exclusive Broken Oars Listener discount, please go to https://www.troubador.co.uk/bookshop/biography/waters-gleaming-gold-hb and quote " BROKENOARS " at the checkout page.
This discount code will allow you to buy the book at a 15% discount - and enjoy one of the great rowing stories!
Buy us a coffee, download a training plan, and support us so we can carry on making Broken Oars Podcast, the best rowing podcast in the world: www.buymeacoffee.com/brokenoarsd

Friday Aug 09, 2024
Friday Aug 09, 2024
To purchase a copy of 'Water's Gleaming Gold' with an exclusive Broken Oars Listener discount, please go to:
and quote " BROKENOARS " at the checkout page.
This discount code will allow you to buy the book at a 15% discount - and enjoy one of the great rowing stories!
Welcome back one and all to Broken Oars Podcast - the Rowing World's best and most informative podcast (bar Crossy's Corner - we'll hear no bad words about that man. He's a legend).
As you know, while the Southern One finishes up a professional qualification the Northern One has been taking his brain out for a spin to talk about poets and poetry.
(Yes, it does sound remarkably like listening to paint drying, doesn't it ... ?)
But fear not, this is the Northern One - a man incapable of uttering a snooze-inducing sentence, finding a subject he can't make a quip or point about, or being boring generally. And it is in that capacity that he's created the perfect series for people to dip into while the nights are long, the air balmy, and the weather perfect for sitting out in the garden and doing some culture.
Having whistle-stopped through Thomas Hardy and A.E Housman, detoured into how a Brian called Geordie (should that sentence be the other way 'round ... ? Ed) is to blame for guitar heroes and all of their widdle, and then leapt back to look at Charles Dickens ... a theme is emerging ...
That's right:
How did we get here from there.
Or to put it more simply, why Britain today is largely the same as Britain then?
(Isn't this fun? We're learning all about caesuras and enjambments and what happened when and where and to who and asking cool questions! Who said no, when's the rowing stuff coming ... ?).
In this episode we engage with one of the most problematic writers in the canon: Rudyard Kipling.
An Anglo-Indian, with a deep apprehension of the realities and mythologies of Empire, Kipling was more famous in his day than Steve Redgrave (largely because Steve Redgrave hadn't been born then) but is rarely read now.
We learn why; explore why it's a short step from denying or revising books to burning them; and look at why should and what we can learn from engaging with a racist, and imperialist ... and the most important English writer since Shakespeare. We explore how Empire was not a benevolent force for good, or a civilising mission but instead always and forever an economic enterprise; and illustrate how its expansion ran alongside technological expansion - something Kipling was keenly aware of.
Examining Kipling's status as an Anglo-Indian, and thus a second-class person, we look at the way he explored and exposed the myths of Empire to show its realities: the overt racism of The White Man's Burden, the sham of Britain standing alone given its reliance on its connections to the world in Big Steamers; and the people who work alongside or create the technology that sustains the whole endeavour in McAndrew's Hymn and The King. We reclaim Mandalay from Boorish and see how Kipling's wide-ranging work in poetry, short stories, children's stories and novels should be engaged with if we are to overcome our cultural amnesia and beliefs about the missing 300 years of our history that we don't talk about or teach.
And that's before we get to Tommy - as pertinent now as it was then.
And it's out in time for the weekend? And there's a rowing episode coming out too?
Get some!
Bow? You're a jelly-bellied flag-flapper. Take a tap.

Friday Aug 09, 2024
Friday Aug 09, 2024
Your favourite comedy duo, and quite possibly the best commentators rowing has ever had on and about the sport of rowing return!
In this episode, following the Southern One's three weeks of constant bugs and the Northern One's ongoing Long Covid we talk about getting back into exercise after illness and injury - and no, it isn't what we used to do: grade two muscle tear? Should be fine tomorrow then? Two weeks in bed with D and V? Shouldn't affect my 2k too much tomorrow.
Being an athlete is a weird thing. For a start, it's an identity - which means when we can't do the thing that defines us, it upsets us and leads us to do crazy things (like not appropriately recover from illnesses and injuries properly). Part of what makes us an athlete - the learned ability to push into pain and in doing so extend our limitations - is the very thing that makes us a danger to ourselves when we've been, as they say in the North, a bit crook.
We talk about graduated returns to training and racing; point out the many times we've failed to follow our own advice; and then skip merrily on to the reality that since Covid participation numbers in sport and exercise, and in rowing, are down. We talk about time, snobbery (not what you think), and ... whisper it ... that doing other sports might just be an option.
Get Some!
Enjoyed this episode?
To purchase a copy of 'Water's Gleaming Gold' with an exclusive Broken Oars Listener discount, please go to https://www.troubador.co.uk/bookshop/biography/waters-gleaming-gold-hb and quote " BROKENOARS " at the checkout page.
This discount code will allow you to buy the book at a 15% discount - and enjoy one of the great rowing stories!
Buy us a coffee, download a training plan, and support us so we can carry on making Broken Oars Podcast, the best rowing podcast in the world: www.buymeacoffee.com/brokenoarsd

Friday Aug 09, 2024
Friday Aug 09, 2024
The world's greatest rowing podcast makes a further claim to be regarded as the world's best sporting podcast by returning with yet another world-class practitioner.
Honestly, how many have we had now?
Hundreds. If not thousands. Hodge. Eric. Sally. Drew. Jack. Jezz. Pete ... the lists are long, the tapestry of episodes and insights vast, colourful and eye-catching.
And following on from Professor Andy Jones, the beetroot guy, we're back with Professor Andy Lane.
A competitive boxer and athlete who transitioned into sports psychology, Andy has been a leading-edge academic and practitioner for over two decades - a man whose work with athletes, academics, and programmes has identified the mental strategies all athletes develop on their journey through their sporting careers and refined how they can be developed, implemented and used by all of us at any stage.
We talk about Andy's own trajectory - his life as a competitive athlete, continued competitive nature, his academic career, work with outlets like the BBC and luminaries like Michael Johnson and James Cracknell, and deep dive into concepts like associate / disassociative training strategies, visualisation, pros and cons of music as a training stimulus, when too much data is too much data, the powers of false positives, the necessity of ownership of process, journey, engagement and outcomes ... and the automation of the sports psychology process.
It's basically your one-stop stop for everything you'll ever need to develop mental strength as an intrinsic part of your physical training programme.
A fascinating and wide-ranging chat with one of the best in the business?
Get some!
Enjoyed this episode?
To purchase a copy of 'Water's Gleaming Gold' with an exclusive Broken Oars Listener discount, please go to https://www.troubador.co.uk/bookshop/biography/waters-gleaming-gold-hb and quote " BROKENOARS " at the checkout page.
This discount code will allow you to buy the book at a 15% discount - and enjoy one of the great rowing stories!
Buy us a coffee, download a training plan, and support us so we can carry on making Broken Oars Podcast, the best rowing podcast in the world: www.buymeacoffee.com/brokenoarsd

Friday Aug 09, 2024
Friday Aug 09, 2024
Order a copy of 'The Mystery of the Cambridge Bow' - an original Broken Oars Sherlock Holmes adventure written to celebrate the Oxford / Cambridge Boat Race:
We return!
We return in time for WEHORR (what's left of it); the Boat Race; and a summer regatta season just around the corner with the perfect episode ...
Because we return with Lucy Denyer - whose Telegraph article on returning to rowing at York recently went viral. Extolling, as it does, the reasons why we row, the joy of moving a boat through flat water and still air (and occasionally in the UK through lumpy water and air that's basically an upright sea with slits in it), and the importance of exercise, community and just getting out there and getting on with it ... ?
Well, we just had to sit down and have a chat.
So join as Lucy takes us through her early rowing experiences on Tyne, the Tyne, the mucky Tyne the Queen of all the rivers with NUBC; and her subsequent shift into life, and an American sojourn that led to a career in journalism that culiminated in an editorial role at The Telegraph (one of the few broadsheets to cover rowing, tbf). Staying active all the while, while dealing with the things all rowers deal with when life starts getting in the way of rowing (work, marriage, children, moving around for career), Lucy talks about her decision to come back; going freelance; rowing and identity; getting on the water again at York (we've all binned a single, right? Right?!?!); and rowing on a river that Lewin I once charged down for Agecroft, complaining that for somewhere that floods everytime it rains it's a very narrow river for an eight to steer down, and the fun she's had since.
And then AI generates some totally random pictures of our interview that gives Lewin and I abs again ...
And it's out in time for the drive to WEHORR, the weekend's events, and the drive to the boathouse tomorrow?
We're too good to you!
Get some!

Friday Aug 09, 2024
Broken Oars Podcast: Episode 68: Sir Matthew Pinsent
Friday Aug 09, 2024
Friday Aug 09, 2024
Ladies and Gentlemen,
Knight of the Realm, Four-time Olympic Champion, ten-time World Champion, Boat Race Winner, Henley Winner, greatest stroke of his generation, Henley Steward, Henley Umpire, Boat Race Umpire, BBC Investigative Journalist, Documentary maker, passionate advocate for sport, and the reason The Northern One started rowing and The Southern One has such a fierce 2k pb ...
Sir Matthew Pinsent.
Our work here is done.
(Mic drop).

Friday Aug 09, 2024
Friday Aug 09, 2024
To purchase a copy of 'Water's Gleaming Gold' with an exclusive Broken Oars Listener discount, please go to https://www.troubador.co.uk/bookshop/biography/waters-gleaming-gold-hb and quote " BROKENOARS " at the checkout page.
This discount code will allow you to buy the book at a 15% discount - and enjoy one of the great rowing stories!
Welcome back to Broken Oars Podcast, the world's best rowing podcast.
In this episode, to celebrate the start of the new season, the Southern One and the Northern One take a deep dive into coaching and coaches.
With that new season stretching ahead of us like a book full of chapters waiting to be written, with plans to be made, schedules to be agreed, and training and racing getting back to full swing, we get deep and philosophical on what a coach actually is; where a coach's responsibilities begin and end and the role of a coach within the club.
We look at the legals, the morals, the ethicals, as well as the technical and organisational requirements of coaching, and explore what makes a good coach.
Drawing on our experiences with various coaches and various clubs, we look at how good coaches organise, delegate and educate, aligning a club / coach's ambitions to a club / coach's resources, and ask the question: what should a rower / crew / squad / club expect from their coach, and what should a coach expect from their rower / crew / squad / club?
We look at the degree to which a coach is responsible for training plans, workloads and race schedules; how coaches select crews, and what crews should expect from their coach in terms of input and selection; and the thorny question of taking on responsibility for your own development and outcomes.
Exploring ideas around coaches having favourites and why they do, as well as looking at what happens when their favourites stop performing at the required level, we talk through the issue of whether a coach is responsible for setting the tone of a club's culture, and if a coach has responsibilities towards their rower / crew / squad / club ... what are the rower / crew / squad / club's responsibilities towards themselves and their coach?
There's a reason why we're the world's greatest rowing podcast.
We don't know what it is either.
Get some!
Enjoyed this episode?
Buy us a coffee, download a training plan, and support us so we can carry on making Broken Oars Podcast, the best rowing podcast in the world: www.buymeacoffee.com/brokenoarsd
Twitter: www.twitter.com/brokenoarspodc1
Instagram: www.instagram.com/brokenoarsindoors/
Website: www.thelandingstage.net

Friday May 26, 2023
Broken Oars Podcast: Episode 55: The Great Australian Roundtable!
Friday May 26, 2023
Friday May 26, 2023
To purchase a copy of 'Water's Gleaming Gold' with an exclusive Broken Oars Listener discount, please go to https://www.troubador.co.uk/bookshop/biography/waters-gleaming-gold-hb and quote " BROKENOARS " at the checkout page.
This discount code will allow you to buy the book at a 15% discount - and enjoy one of the great rowing stories!
I (Northern One), have thought of so many ways to introduce this:
The finest rower of his generation is joined by Drew Ginn, Andrew McNeil, Anthony Bergelin and Lewin Hynes to ...
You know - that tongue-in-cheek quippy thing that you've come to expect from your Northern Correspondent while your Southern Correspondent (Lewin) does all of the science-y bits and the intelligent questions.
Or, something like:
The world's finest rowing podcast (Crossy's Corner excluded. We'll not hear a word said against Martin. He's a living legend) returns and gives three unknowns from a land down under a chance to talk about shovelling a boat backwards down a river ...
You know - the self-deprecating / self-aggrandising stuff that we do so well on Broken Oars Podcast (while also being, you know, the best rowing podcast in the world ... ).
But I can't.
Because, ladies and gentlemen (and children of all ages), we bring to you:
It's our first ever roundtable, and we're not sure we'll ever be able to top it. Why? Not just because it's taken over a year to organise, but because your genial Southern One (Lewin) and your genially-grumpy Northern one (Aaron) are joined by Anthony Bergelin, Andrew McNeil and Drew Ginn.
Yes, this is an absolute brains trust of rowing and performance, and you, like us, get to join in with one of the best conversations about rowing you're every likely to hear, but unlike most in the field, Berge, Drew and Macca come at these elements from the refreshing perspective of engaging with and enjoying what you're doing first, and connecting who you're doing it with ... because if you tick those boxes, the first two will surely follow.
So, strap in, buckle up, and tune in to hear about the early years, why culture is not something you write on a piece of paper but live through your values; why lightweights are bitter and twisted; why the club system is so, so important; about how connection is all, not just to the water, but to those around you: how you build trust by empowering people to have a voice; why why is the most important question you can ask (and if people say 'because I say so' you're in the wrong place); why feel beats data in rowing when data in rowing doesn't also feel; why more mileage doesn't equal better rowers but buying a frisbee just might; how great coaches give of themselves, while lesser ones might take or look to over-control; that being fast going in straight lines is great, but rowing on rivers where there's a beer and bbq waiting for you at the end might just be the thing you're looking for; how jumping in a boat with the juniors or the masters lads and lasses doesn't take away from you as a senior (believe us, if one of the greatest to ever do it is not just willing but vocal about diving in with a mate's daughter and enjoying it, you should be too ... ); music, patterns, rowers vs. athletes, the athletic mindset, running thought experiments on yourself, and training back in the curiosity and love of life you had trained out of you by the 'this is how you do it ...' approach.
Seriously, get a notebook, get a pen, get a cup of coffee and take notes.
Berge, Macca and Drew are about to change your lives.
The Broken Oars listenership is a generous and giving one, so if you could follow back to vsk.org.au, and support their and Drew's work, we'd appreciate it. Cancer will hit 1 in every 2 of us at some point in our lives, so if it doesn't hit us, it's likely to affect someone close to us ... so let's get in this fight and push back.
And hit the guys up on Twitter with your comments, thoughts and feedback - or just to let them know how much they absolutely SMASHED this:
A year in the making?
Totally worth it!
Stern four? Quiet. Bow four. Easy oars. You're in the presence of greatness.
Enjoyed this episode?
Buy us a coffee, download a training plan, and support us so we can carry on making Broken Oars Podcast, the best rowing podcast in the world: www.buymeacoffee.com/brokenoarsd
Twitter: www.twitter.com/brokenoarspodc1
Instagram: www.instagram.com/brokenoarsindoors/
Website: www.thelandingstage.net

Friday Apr 21, 2023
Broken Oars Podcast: Cath
Friday Apr 21, 2023
Friday Apr 21, 2023
Dear Listener, thank you for your attention to our podcast, which, unlike many and most activities on the internet is not free to make. Should you be enjoying the podcast and wish to help us make more episode please consider buying us a coffee or purchasing one of our digital downloads at https://www.buymeacoffee.com/brokenoarsd. Thank you again for listening.
My cousin Cath passed away recently, following Ovarian Cancer.
This is a brief remembrance of her and some happier times.
The moments we have are too few. The time goes too quickly; and we lose sight of what's really important and worth treasuring while we put emphasis on or pursue things that don't actually matter. Our families grew up together before, as tends to happen, we grow apart and into our own lives. In the end, the moments, though, are all we have. I'm glad I had some with you, Cath.
Thanks to Lewin for listening.
Easy Oars ...